[TS-VCSC-Spacer height=”20″]

Aside from elements for the WooCommerce shortcodes itself, Visual Composer Extensions also includes an element for a product slider. The fully sortable and filterable grid also allows you to custom style the product rating shown with the product and can show products in the following groups / categories:

[TS-VCSC-Spacer height=”20″][TS_VCSC_Info_Notice panel_layout=”notice” panel_type=”info” color_icon=”#cccccc” color_title=”#cccccc” color_border=”#cccccc” color_background=”#ffffff” icon_replace=”false” panel_icon=”ts-awesome-info-circle” panel_size=”50″ panel_spacer=”15″ animations=”false” animation_effect=”ts-hover-css-” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″]

For performance reasons, it is advised to use only one “Basic Products Grid” per page.

[/TS_VCSC_Info_Notice][TS-VCSC-Spacer height=”20″][TS_VCSC_Info_Notice panel_layout=”notice” panel_type=”warning” color_icon=”#cccccc” color_title=”#cccccc” color_border=”#cccccc” color_background=”#ffffff” icon_replace=”false” panel_icon=”ts-awesome-warning” panel_size=”50″ panel_spacer=”15″ animations=”false” animation_effect=”ts-hover-css-” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ panel_title=”Isotope Notice”]

This element is utilizing Isotope v1.5.x, which is NOT compatible with the new Isotope release v2.x. There are several reason why we intentionally stick with the older version, the most important ones being:

  1. The vast majority of plugins and themes (more than 90%) are still using an Isotope version 1.x, even though v2.x has been available for a while now. In order to remain compatible with those plugins and themes, staying with v1.x is required. Once v2.x becomes more widespread and supported by themes and plugins, we will switch over as well.
  2. Isotope v2.x currently does not have a way to display the “Spine” layout, which is used for other elements in this add-on in order to create an actual timeline effect. That feature has been requested for v2.x, but until it is implemented, we can not switch, even if we wanted to.

[/TS_VCSC_Info_Notice][TS-VCSC-Spacer height=”20″]

[dt_vc_list style=”1″ dividers=”false” bullet_position=”top”]

  • Recent Products
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  • Products on Sale
  • Best Selling Products
  • Products in a Single Category
  • Products in Multiple Categories


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[TS-VCSC-Spacer height=”20″][TS_VCSC_WooCommerce_Grid_Basic selection=”recent_products” products_total=”20″ orderby=”date” order=”desc” posts_lazy=”false” posts_trigger=”scroll” posts_ajax=”10″ posts_load=”Show More” layout=”masonry” column_width=”200″ sort_by=”postName” sort_order=”asc” filter_menu=”true” layout_menu=”true” sort_menu=”true” directions_menu=”true” hover_type=”ts-imagehover-style1″ show_info=”true” show_content=”excerpt” cutoff_characters=”400″ show_image=”true” show_link=”true” show_rating=”true” show_price=”true” show_cart=”true” show_stock=”true” rating_symbol=”other” rating_icon=”ts-ecommerce-starfull1″ rating_rtl=”false” color_rated=”#ffd800″ color_empty=”#e3e3e3″ caption_show=”false” caption_position=”left” caption_digits=”.” lightbox_effect=”random” lightbox_backlight_choice=”predefined” lightbox_backlight_color=”#000000″ lightbox_backlight_custom=”#000000″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ link_page=”false” link_target=”_parent”][TS-VCSC-Spacer height=”20″]
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