Aside from elements for the WooCommerce shortcodes itself, Visual Composer Extensions also includes an element for a products ticker. The ticker allows you to custom style the product rating shown with the product and can show products in the following groups / categories:
- Recent Products
- Featured Products
- Top Rated Products
- Products on Sale
- Best Selling Products
- Products in a Single Category
- Products in Multiple Categories
[/dt_vc_list][TS-VCSC-Spacer height=”20″][TS_VCSC_WooCommerce_Ticker_Basic selection=”sale_products” products_total=”12″ orderby=”date” order=”desc” posts_limit=”25″ ticker_target=”_parent” ticker_price=”true” ticker_rating=”true” ticker_cart=”true” ticker_stock=”false” ticker_title=”true” ticker_side=”left” ticker_header=”On Sale” ticker_background=”#1e73be” ticker_color=”#ffffff” ticker_symbol=”true” ticker_icon=”ts-awesome-location-arrow” ticker_paint=”#ffffff” ticker_direction=”up” ticker_break=”480″ ticker_auto=”true” ticker_speed=”3000″ ticker_hover=”true” ticker_controls=”true” ticker_fixed=”false” ticker_position=”top” ticker_adjustment=”0″ ticker_border_type=”solid” ticker_border_thick=”1″ ticker_border_color=”#1e73be” rating_symbol=”other” rating_icon=”ts-ecommerce-starfull1″ rating_rtl=”false” color_rated=”#ffd800″ color_empty=”#e3e3e3″ caption_show=”true” caption_position=”left” caption_digits=”.” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″ category=”banners”][TS-VCSC-Spacer height=”20″]
Just some of the many other ticker features:
- Define total number of products to be retrieved
- Use as standard element anywhere on your page or as fixed element, either on top or at the bottom of your page
- Select between ticker up or down movement when switching between posts
- Change color and text for header element
- Show header on left or right side or hide it completely
- Add font icon to Header
- Add (colored) border and radius to ticker element
- Ticker is responsive and will revert to two-row layout when screen size requires it (define your custom breakpoint in ticker settings)
- Auto-Play Feature
- Define auto-play-speed
- Stop-On-Hover Feature
- … and much more!
[/dt_vc_list][TS-VCSC-Spacer height=”20″]
Header (Left) with Icon:
Header (Right) with Icon:
No Header: