San Diego Violent Crime Attorney
Charged with a violent crime? The Law Office of Gregory Garrison can help!
If you have been charged with a violent crime or you are being investigated for committing a violent crime, you need to contact a San Diego criminal defense lawyer immediately.
Do not speak to the police without consulting with an experienced criminal defense attorney first. The potential penalties for violent crimes are some of the harshest because injury or death to another person has resulted.
Violent crimes under California Law include crimes where the offender commits an act of violence, attempts to commit an act of violence, or threatens to commit an act of violence. Additional penalties are possible where the offender used a weapon during the commission of the crime.
Do not face the government alone if you are charged with a violent crime. The potential penalties are severe and can result in lifelong effects on your family and ability to get a job.
Call the Law Office of Gregory Garrison today and get the assistance of an experienced and aggressive San Diego criminal defense attorney.
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What types of crimes are considered to be violent crimes?
The types of crimes defined as crimes of violence under the California Penal Code include the following:
- murder
- voluntary manslaughter
- involuntary manslaughter
- rape committed by force
- crimes resulting in great bodily injury
- domestic violence
- robbery
- sexual battery
Potential penalties for violent crimes:
- prison commitment (including life sentences for certain crimes)
- felony conviction on the offender’s record
- restitution for medical expenses of the victim
- standard court costs and fines
- criminal protective orders restricting the offender’s freedoms
- potential Strike Offense Conviction on the offender’s record
One of the harshest penalties for a violent crime conviction in the State of California results under California’s Three Strikes Law. When an offender is convicted of certain types of crimes, referred to as Strike Offenses, the strike offense conviction becomes a permanent part of the offender’s criminal record. The effect of this conviction is to double the possible prison sentence for any future felony conviction.
For example, if the second conviction is for a felony carrying a maximum penalty of four years in state prison, the offender with a prior strike conviction could now be sentenced to a maximum of eight years in state prison. If an offender has two prior strike offense convictions and is convicted of a third strike offense (as well as certain non strike felonies under certain circumstances), the offender will face a possible sentence of 25 years to life in prison.
Types of Violent Crimes
The potential penalties for crimes of violence are severe and long lasting. An experienced and skilled San Diego criminal defense attorney is necessary to protect your rights and represent you in court. O
nly an experienced and skilled criminal defense attorney will be capable of achieving the best possible outcome for your case. San Diego criminal defense attorney Gregory Garrison investigated violent crimes as a former law enforcement officer and prosecuted violent crimes as a former prosecutor with the District Attorney’s Office.
This understanding of how violent crimes are investigated and prosecuted has enabled the Law Office of Gregory Garrison to achieve the best possible outcome for clients charged with violent crimes.
Those years of experience make him and his team of legal professionals your best chance for a successful outcome of your case.
Call the Law Office of Gregory Garrison today at 619-615-4216.
Terrorist Threats (also referred to as criminal threats)
California Law defines a criminal threat or a terrorist threat as threatening to commit a crime which would result in death or great bodily injury to another person. There is no requirement that the crime actually be attempted or completed.
The charge includes threats made verbally, in writing, or by means of any electronic device. California Law does require the threat to be unconditional. Criminal threats can be filed as a misdemeanor charge or a felony charge. If charged as a felony, criminal threats are a strike offense under the California Penal Code.
An assault is defined under California Law as an unlawful attempt, combined with a present ability, to do violent injury to the person of another. (California Penal Code Section 240)
Assault is distinct from the crime of battery in that you do not have to actually touch the other person to commit the crime of assault. Assault charges only require the combination of an attempt with present ability.
Battery can be charged when the smallest amount of touching occurs. The crime of battery can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony where force or violence is used in a willful and unlawful manner. The amount of force does not have to be violent or severe or even cause bodily harm or pain.
California Law defines kidnapping as stealing, abducting, or moving another person by the use of force or by instilling fear. Simple kidnapping carries a maximum possible punishment of eight years in state prison.
However, other forms of kidnapping such as with a victim under the age of 14 or kidnapping with injury or extortion carry far more severe potential penalties.
Attempted Murder
Under California Law, attempting to commit a crime is unlawful. This is true even if the offender fails to complete the crime. With the exception of assault, all violent crimes can be charged as attempted crimes.
While the potential penalties for attempted violent crimes are less severe, they are still very severe carrying lifelong consequences. The potential penalty for attempted murder is seven years to life and 15 years to life if committed on a police officer.
Manslaughter can be either voluntary manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter. Manslaughter is a lesser charge than murder, the distinction being that manslaughter is committed without malice aforethought.
Murder is the most serious violent crime a person can be charged with and the charge carries the harshest possible penalties including life in prison or even the death penalty.
California Penal Code Section 187(a) defines murder as “the unlawful killing of a human being or fetus with malice aforethought.” Malice aforethought requires the offender possess the intent to kill and that intent must be the result of a pre-existing reflection and not upon a sudden heat of passion.
Do Not Wait to Call a San Diego Criminal Defense Lawyer
The potential penalties for violent crimes being some of the most severe under California Law, you need an experienced and highly skilled San Diego criminal defense attorney to aggressively fight for you in court.
The Law Office of Gregory Garrison has a consistent proven record of achieving the best possible outcome for clients accused of violent crimes. Contact our office today at 619-615-4216 for a free initial consultation and discussion of your legal options.
The Law Office of Gregory Garrison can perform further investigation on your case to discover potential defenses to the charges.
If you have been charged with a violent crime in San Diego County, the criminal defense attorney you choose to represent you will be the single most important decision you make in determining the outcome of your case.
It is a decision that can prove to be the difference between freedom and a state prison commitment. The Law Office of Gregory Garrison and its team of legal professionals, have decades of combined experience to bring to your defense. As a former prosecutor and a former law enforcement officer, criminal defense attorney Gregory Garrison is uniquely qualified to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
We are effective negotiators and are always prepared to go to trial when necessary to seek a not guilty verdict for our clients.
Contact a San Diego violent crime attorney at our firm for more information. Call us today at:
Practice Areas
Animal Cruelty Charges
Attempted Crime
Clean Your Record
Criminal Investigations
Domestic Violence
Drug Crimes
Guns & Firearms
Juvenile Defense
Obstruction of Justice
Plea Bargaining
Probation Violation
Pre file investigations
Proposition 47
Never Talk to Police
Restraining Order
Sex Crimes
Three Strikes
Violent Crimes
Theft Crime Charges
White Collar
Withdrawing a Plea